Do All Bunions Require Surgery?

After having spent months cooped up indoors, summer is a great time to get out and get moving with walks in the park and hikes on local nature trails. For some people, however, bunions can cause pain with each step. Fortunately, treatments are available — some which require surgery and some which don't depending on your particular situation and the severity of the issue.

Here at PMC Foot and Ankle Clinic located in Spring, Texas, Dr. Eric Blanson and our highly skilled staff provide personalized comprehensive care for all your podiatry and sports medicine needs. Whether the issue is foot-related like bunions or flatfoot or involves pain in the heel, nerves, or joints or is the result of a sports injury, we can help.


Though bunions may look like a just a bump on your foot, they can cause serious issues. They occur when the bones in the foot begin to spread apart. This, in turn, results in a change in the orientation of the foot bones with the top of the big toe moving toward the other toes while the joint at the bottom of the toe shifts outward. This can cause serious pain, especially since we're often resting all our weight against the bunion.

When to see a doctor

Many people simply live with bunions without ever seeking medical care. There are some situations, however, in which it's important to see a physician. For example, if the bump on the big toe is clearly distinguishable, if you can't buy properly fitting shoes, or if you have issues with moving your foot because of the bunion, you should make an appointment with a doctor for a proper evaluation.

Treatment options

There are a number of possible treatments for addressing bunions, including:

Nonsurgical alternatives

People with mild cases may be able to manage the discomfort with pain medications and/or over-the-counter padding. In addition, shoe inserts can help distribute pressure equally across the foot.

Surgical choices

You may experience some relief from nonsurgical options, but to permanently ease your pain, you might require surgery.

Several different types of procedures can be done to remedy bunions. For some people, removing the damaged tissue from the joints surrounding the big toe is best, while other individuals may require realigning some of the bones in the foot to correct the angle of the big toe. Still others may need part of the bone removed to straighten the big toe.

If you're tired of suffering from the pain of a bunion and its impact on your daily activities, book online, or call our office at 832-224-5604 today to make an appointment and find out what treatment is best for you.

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